Welcome to my home page. My real name is david gerĂ³nimo, best-known in the
demoscene world as yero. This website shows some of my works in this area, focused on creating real time motion graphics mixing art and technology. My fields of interest are really wide, as I am the coder and graphician of
Sector Omega group, musician of
Concept, director and web admin of
modulez music community, and co-coder of
Spanish Report System.
In the "real life" facet, I'm 23 years old, and I'm a PhD Student of Computer Science at the
Computer Vision Center,
Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona. My current research field is
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems based on Artificial Vision, along in a project-group of 5 other people (who really rock :). My hobbies: art, music, cinema, partying, swimming, cooking, astronomy and science... ;)
Nothing else, I just hope you like all my works.
Best Regards,